MIP CANCUN Co-production Matchmaking
& Summit

A gold mine of opportunities to accelerate TV co-production projects with Latin America!

Accelerate your co-production projects with Latin America

Experience a three-day tailored program: pre-scheduled 1-to-1 and roundtable meetings, and high-level connections for projects in development.

Meet targeted potential partners, investors, show-runners and commissioners. Greenlight projects, and gain key insights on the state of the market in Latin America and beyond, with tips that can be applied directly to your project.

Discover our signature matchmaking format

MIP CANCUN is designed to accommodate one-to-one meetings and round tables with a wide range of companies to forge co-production deals. Up to 10 guaranteed meetings will be included in your personalized agenda and you will have a lot more opportunities to accelerate your TV co-production projects with Latin America! Discover our signature matchmaking format through 4 easy steps.

Step 1

Sign up and prepare

The first step is to register to prepare your market.

Get in contact with our sales representatives.

Step 2

Set up your profile

Tell us who you are, and what you’re bringing and what you're looking for at MIP CANCUN.
Stand out by maximizing the appeal and depth of your profile.

Step 3

Browse and match

Browse through the attending commissioners, producers, financing company profiles and select the ones you'd like to meet depending on your objectives.

Step 4

Let the algorithm work

Our algorithm sets your 4-day meeting agenda based on mutual preferences and your business interests.


Key Dates

  31 July 2024

   Early Bird offer ends

  18 October 2024    Registration closes

Co-Production Bootcamp

The MIP CANCUN Co-Production Bootcamp is a two-day intensive program designed to equip producers with the knowledge and tools needed to succeed in the evolving landscape of co-production.

Divided into six targeted sessions, the program offers participants the opportunity to engage directly with industry experts, gain exclusive insights, and learn best practices for co-producing with various platforms and broadcasters.

From understanding the intricacies of working with streaming platforms to unlocking new opportunities with film commissions, each session is crafted to address specific aspects of the co-production process, fostering a collaborative environment for networking and skill enhancement.

Day 1

How to work with Streaming Platforms?

Meet with executives from the leading streaming platforms in Latin America and Spanish-speaking US to gain invaluable insights on how to effectively collaborate and succeed in the dynamic world of digital entertainment. This 40-minutes session aims to bridge the gap between producers and streaming platforms, fostering a collaborative environment where knowledge and experiences are shared. Participants will leave the session with a clear roadmap for engaging with streaming services.

Unlocking Co-Production Opportunities with Free TV Broadcasters

This 40-minutes session is designed to connect producers with leading Free TV Broadcasters. Attendees will have access to exclusive information on what broadcasters are looking for in co-production projects, understanding the nuances of content demands, and learning the best ways to successfully pitch and collaborate on projects. Participants will leave with a comprehensive toolkit to navigate and excel in the co-production landscape.

Navigate Co-Production with Pay TV Broadcasters and Studios – 1st session

Meet with executives from the leading streaming platforms in Latin America and Spanish-speaking US to gain invaluable insights on how to effectively collaborate and succeed in the dynamic world of digital entertainment. This 40-minutes session aims to bridge the gap between producers and streaming platforms, fostering a collaborative environment where knowledge and experiences are shared. Participants will leave the session with a clear roadmap for engaging with streaming services.

Day 2

Unveiling New Co-Production Opportunities with Film Commissions and National Organizations

This informative 40-minutes session aims to empower producers with essential information from Film Commissions and National Organizations about the various incentives available and the practicalities of shooting in different locations. Attendees will receive valuable insights into the benefits offered by various regions, including tax incentives, grants, and logistical support. Through interactive roundtable discussions, producers will learn how to leverage these resources to maximize their production value and streamline their shooting processes.

Get Ready to Co-Produce! Essential Tools and Technologies for Producers

This 40-minutes session is designed for producers looking to elevate their projects by addressing their questions and connecting with service providers across various fields, including law, artificial intelligence, financing, post-production, and dubbing. Participants will gain insights into how these services can not only support but also enhance production quality. Through learning best practices and discovering innovative solutions, attendees will be equipped to streamline their workflows and optimize resources, ensuring their projects reach their full potential.

Navigate Co-Production with Pay TV Broadcasters and Studios – 2nd session

This 40-minutes session is tailored for producers aiming to co-produce with Pay TV broadcasters and studios. Through interactive roundtable discussions, participants will gain access to effective strategies for establishing direct connections and open communication with industry leaders. Participants will leave equipped with practical knowledge to enhance their co-production efforts and achieve greater success in their projects.


A high-level discussion and networking event focusing on co-production challenges and opportunities in LatAm.
By invitation only

Where: Tulum Theater

When: November 21, 2024, from 14:00 to 15:30


Fidela Navarro



Tiago Mello

Executive Producer

Boutique Filmes

Eduardo Ruiz

President & General Manager

A+E Networks Latin America

Carlos Quintanilla Sakar

VP, Original Content, Latin America & USH

Sony Pictures Television

Silvina Dell´Occhio

Gerente Regional de Contenidos



Izzet Pinto


Global Agecny

Leonardo Aranguibel

VP of Production Operations & Strategy

The Walt Disney Co. Latam

Patrcia Daujotas

Director of Content

Canal 10 Uruguay

Pilar Blasco


Banijay Iberia

Roxana Rotundo


VIP 2000 TV

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